Tác Giả:Thể thao
ESL One Fortress HUD
ESL One Frankfurt 2014 Loading Screen
ESL One Jagged Vision Ward - Toàn bộ Ward trong game sẽ được thay đổi
Treasure Chests mới
Treasure of the Bottled Cloud
Centaur's Relentless Warbringer set
Magnus Defender of Matriarch set
Bristleback's Debts of the Nightwatchman set
Alchemist's The Convicts' Trophies set
Treasure of the Molten Steel
Tidehunter's Deepweed Drowner
Lifestealer's Transmuted Armaments
Chaos Knight's Rising Chaos
Doom's Eternal Fire
Earth Spirit's Vanquishing Demons General
Theo EG
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